
Delay of email

So, yes, maethos-com has been down a while. Web facing for a very long time, much longer than email. Transition away from maethos-com almost completed. Well, *recovery* from maethos-com lost almost complete.

There's more to this change than dying machines and deprecated services. This transition involves a platform change. Moving from Winux-Windows to Mac-Windows. Elimination of Windows doesn't seem possible in the current decade. Too many developers sold their soul long ago or were not exposed to elegance early enough for Windows to be fully out of the picture. Anyhow, it will be around and thankfully, it appears Windows 7 is closer to XP than to Millennium.

The host will be off-site. Deciding exactly where or with whom, is the real challenge. GOOOOOGLE, you say? Yes, but that's not so good for site mail -- for mail created for a site account.

Give it time.


Finally Gone Mobile

Yeah, this is where I'll finish my thoughts.


This is how I ended up here:



Yay! maethos com on its way back!

There's a lot to be done. Baby steps, baby steps.
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